software I love
gabe ortiz - 2024
- tmux: for all your terminal multiplexing needs
- mosh: ssh, but make it seamless and fault tolerant for interactive sessions
- moom: window management for macOS
- dato: a handy calendar for your mac menubar with excellent zoom integration
- vivid: a neat hack to use the full HDR brightness potential of a macbook at
your discretion
- textbar: put the output of a shell script in your menubar, I often use this
for things like keeping an eye on my smoker's temp by sniffing thermometer radio signals
via SDR, or watching a stock ticker with curl
- rtl_433: SDR swiss army knife, the basis of a lot of my home automation
- beeper: not perfect but the least annoying way to not run 8 different chat
- iterm2: indispensible for serious macos terminal users
- copyclip2: my clipboard history has become essentially an extension of my
short-term memory
- I've tried every fucking note management app ever but notes keeps
getting better and I'm in enough of a pure apple ecosystem that I finally
gave in to the inevitable.